There are three main areas to our business, here at Mark Lewis & Associates.


Custom Software Design

We help automate businesses by custom designing fully independent and unique software programs to handle their specific needs. We develop software for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Web*.


In-house Software

Our own, niche market, specialty software that is designed and developed in-house, which we sell to a broad range of customers.


Website Design

With an extensive background in marketing and usability, we can effectively design a website that works for you (not against you).

* Web Software (Web App):

Not be confused with website design, a web app is an actual user-interactive, database integrated, software application that runs on a website. For example, a website design is what you are looking at right now. Whereas a web app is an application on the website that would allow you to do things such as order tickets to a show, look up customer info, or some other tool of a productive nature.


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